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Muzeum Uzdrowiska Szczawnica

Szczawnica Health Resort Museum

Za metalowym, ozdobnym, z białymi murkami ogrodzeniem, fontanna w ogrodzie i po lewej szopa pokryta blachą. Dalej na wprost stoi biały, długi budynek z dwiema wieżami po bokach oraz z dodatkową wieżyczką z lewej, z okrągłym małym okienkiem. Ścianę budynku do połowy zakrywa żywopłot. Na dachu trzy jaskółki, pośrodku największa. Budynek przykryty jest blachą. Na parterze okna  z łukiem, na piętrze prostokątne. Za budynkiem w tle rosną wysokie drzewa, zza których wyłania się kolejny budynek pokryty czerwonym dachem. Po prawej widać część budynku.

Plac Dietla 7, 34-460 Szczawnica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 185400433
tel. +48 692727873
The Spa Museum is closed until further notice. We invite you to a museum exhibition at the Pijalnia Wód Gallery on Dietla Square. The exhibition looks back over two hundred years of the spa's history and the history of the Stadnicki family.

In the small Muzeum Uzdrowiska, you can learn about the rich history of the Štiavnica resort. The museum was established to present the history of Szczawnica, including its historical changes, customs, and traditions. Muzeum Uzdrowiska in Szczawnica is located in the elegant Villa 'Palace' on historic Dietl Square.

The Szczawnica Health Museum consists of three main exhibitions. The exhibition ‘Szczawnica Health Resort – 200 years of tradition’ was created following the celebrations of the bicentennial anniversary of the founding of the health resort in Szczawnica. There are many interesting exhibits related to medical treatments typical of the 19th and early 20th century. The museum’s curators managed to collect a valuable assortment of medical instruments and therapeutic devices. In addition to the exhibition showcases and historical artefacts, there is a great deal of interesting information about the Szczawnica Health Resort itself.

Old lithographs and photographs featured in the exhibition ’How they were travelling to the Szczawnica springs’ provides a fascinating look at 19th and 20th century travellers and how they travelled.

The third exhibition, ‘The Stadnickis in Szczawnica’, shows how the Stadnicki family was linked with Szczawnica. In the 1990s, the descendants of Count Stadnicki, i.e., the family of Mańkowski, regained their rights to their ancestral holdings, and thanks to their efforts and investments, Szczawnica is again regaining its former glory.

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