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Szczepanik's House at Sowińskiego Street 11, Tarnów

Szczepanik's House at Sowińskiego Street 11, Tarnów

Zabytkowa kamienica z wieżyczką. Kolory ścian kremowe i łososiowe. Widać zniszczenia, ale i wiele pięknych zdon\bień.

Sowińskiego 11, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

Built in 1907, a tenement was a first house of Jan Szczepanik's father-in-law, where later Szczepanik lived with his wife, Wanda Dzikowska.
The attic of the tenement is decorated with a stone sculpture picturing Wanda. Mr and Mrs Szczepanik lived here for many years, and because Jan Szczepanik was a keen inventor, it was here where many inventions of “Polish Edison” were born, including the “fading” method, which allowed to source coloured photos instead of black-and-white ones. Today, the tenement does not resemble its original look, however, it still pleases the eye with its secession-time decorations, small towers and colonnade of porches.